
disturb me.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

cousins abound

my little cousins from cavite are here. and although i enjoy their company... it's just a lot to take on 4 kids at once when you're used to being alone all the time.

hmmm... on the other hand, maybe i can recruit them to help me clean up my room. there are times, though, when I, the queen of mess, pick up after them, so i'm not sure about that idea.

we're going out to watch peter pan in a while, and all i can say is... i hope i can control them in the mall. it's not that i don't trust them: they're very smart and together kids. i'm just terrified of the responsibility if they get kidnapped or whatever. hey, it happens! i won't know what to say to my titos and titas if anything happens.

so, kids, pray for me.

and give me ideas on how to entertain them. we don't have board games. all we do is bunch up in front of the PC and watch each other play gunbound. the youngest kid feels left out--i really don't know what to do with her except give her a pen and some paper and tell her to draw. i am soooo not experienced with kids. i just hope they don't start a mutiny.



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