
disturb me.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

a new blog

oh wow! a new blog! wheeeeeee!!! this is my third. heehee. i guess i didn't want to disturb the ancient ones, and i haven't exactly updated them. it kind of feels like eating really old food. i dunno... maybe it's just me.

anyway, i'll start modifying this soon, i guess. but not too soon. i'm still sooooo lazy.

summer plans, 2004

it's the last summer vacation of my life. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

given that, i have to make this summer count: as in be as productive and have as much fun as possible. gawd. that's going to be a bit hard.

but at least i've made some headway, since i went to singapore and mau, mitzi, jing, and maybe rachelle are coming over here tomorrow to A) do Antet's flash project, and B) to have fun fun fun!!! and it's possible that our plans to go to boracay will push through. my parents have already said yes (and they also promised me a trip to cebu, too. haven't been there, sorry!). and we'll probably go to laguna or something, too (the barkada, i mean).

as for being productive, i've decided to enroll in a advanced flash course this summer to learn about ActionScript. I mean, i downloaded a lot of flash books already, but it's really REALLY boring going through it alone that i have already abandoned all attempts to do so.
i'm also probably going to be helping out my tita on a marketing package she's working on for my dad. paid work or not, i'm willing to do it. it would look good on my resume!
and then there's namfrel, in school, which i don't really know the details to. i think i'll let mau work that out (parasite! sorry!). there's also this leadership seminar thing for blooey that i'm going to help out with at the end of the summer, not to mention that i'm going to be trying out for TNT.

wow. now that i've written it all down, i just realized how full my summer is really going to be. hehe. wow. well, at least i won't be bored, right? i just hope i won't be so burned out when school starts.


i REALLY REALLY want to push through with my plans for the second hand bookstore thing. REALLY. argh!!!

anyway, right now i'm reading The Farthest Shore by Ursula K. Le Guin. why i haven't read her before now, i have no idea, since i've been hearing a lot about her a long time ago.

reading all these young adult fantasy books, a person can really piece together a lot of ideas that these authors have about how magic is done, the principles of magic and who can weild it, what kinds of creatures dragons are, etc. i mean, i'm even thinking that this could be my senior thesis! but then it would be lit and my tracks are comm and CS. jeez, what a dillema. or maybe i could just do this for fun. hah. well, i could, but then it would be taking time away from what i should really be doing, school-wise (cos if you ask me, THIS is what i should really be doing, and not stupid school stuff).


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